Wednesday 15 October 2014

The politics of “A” in The Scarlet Letter

Assignment topic: The politics of “A” in The Scarlet Letter

Name: Jinal B. Parmar
Roll no.: 11
M.A. Semester: 3
Year: 2014-15
PG Enrolment no:13101025
Paper no: 10 the American Literature
PG Enrolment no:13101025
Submitted to: Department of English
Smt. S. B. Gardi
Maharaja Krishnakumar sinhji Bhavnagar University

Nathanial Hawthorne

                    Nathanial Hawthorne was one of the prominent writers of the English Literature. He was born on 4th July, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, U. S. He was an American novelists and short story writer. Hawthorne became one of the leading writers of his time moving away from formalism and exploring the ideas of individual responsibility, the importance of creative expression and man’s relationship to the world.
                  Hawthorne was very much connected with Salem, Massachusetts. After he lost his job at the Salem custom House, due to change in political administration, Hawthorne denounced his wish to leave Salem, which he called the “abominable city”, saying that he now had no reason to remain.
                Hawthorne has written very famous novel “The Scarlet Letter”. In this novel reflects the idea of the harsh Puritan society and presents the situation of the women of the Puritan times and reveals reality of society. Hawthorne writes,
“Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to
The world, if not your worst, yet some
Trait whereby the worst may be inferred!”
The Scarlet Letter

                   The Scarlet Letter is one of the Romantic fictions written by Nathanial Hawthorne. This novel published in 1850. This novel “The Scarlet Letter” considered to be his one of the magnum opus and set in 17th century Puritan Boston Massachusetts during the year 1642 to 1649.
                   In this novel Hawthorne has presented the central idea of the mentality of the puritan people. In this novel there are many characters but main characters are Hester Prynne, Pearl, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth. Hester is the key character of the novel and she has played vital role in this novel.
                   This is the novel about sin, punishment, and adultery committed by the characters of Hester and Dimmesdale, a secret father of Pearl. Hester is punished by the puritan society for her adultery. Hester is stand alone with her daughter Pearl in front of the puritan society. Hawthorne has presented the dark side of the puritan mentality of the people.
Hester Prynne

                   In this novel the character of Hester Prynne is the central character of the novel. She is the protagonist of the novel. In this novel this character has been called “among the first and most important female protagonists in American Literature”. Hester is married to Roger Chillingworth and has an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale and from that affair she has a daughter, namely Pearl.
                   In this novel “The Scarlet Letter” Hester plays many roles like, abandon lover, devoted mother, estranged wife, religious dissenter, feminist and out cast. Hawthorne has created very powerful character of Hester who stands against the puritan society. He portrays Hester fondly, “as a woman of strength, independence, and kindness, who stands up to the judgment and constraints” of her society.
                 Throughout the entire novel the character of Hester fight against the puritan society and passes through a very tragic condition of her sin and punishment. Throughout this character Hawthorne challenges the puritan society and their rules.
The politics of “A” in the Scarlet Letter

                 The title of the novel it has very symbolic meaning that the Scarlet means “a bright red color”. In this novel the symbol of “A” gives the core idea of entire novel. In this novel “A” is presented which shows the puritan society through the journey of the novel “The Scarlet Letter”.
                In The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne includes many profound and important symbols. This device of symbolism is portrayed well in the novel, especially trough the Scarlet Letter “A”. the “A”is the best example because of the changes in the meaning throughout the novel Hawthorne has presented ambiguity of letter “A”.

                  In the beginning of the novel, the scarlet letter “A” is viewed as a symbol of sin. The middle of the novel is transition period, where the scarlet letter “A” is viewed differently. In this novel Hawthorne has mostly put stress on the puritan society. In the beginning of the novel, the letter is taken as a “label” of punishment and sin. In the commencement Hawthorne introduces a character of Hester. Hester loves Dimmesdale and she has committed adultery with Dimmesdale and she has little daughter also namely Pearl.
                 Hester is punished and she bears the label of the letter upon her chest. Hester is presented as in centre and society is on periphery. She stands as a label of outcast in front of society. She is wearing this symbol to burden her with punishment throughout her life. She stands on a plank where her punishment is given,
“Thus she will be a living sermon
Against sin, until the ignominious
Letter be engraved upon her tombstone”
                Society places its blames upon this woman. It is because of this one letter that Hester’s life is changed. The letter’s meaning in puritan society banishes her from her normal life. The puritans view this letter as a symbol of the devil. The letter also put Hester trough torture:
“of an impulse and passionate nature she had fortified herself to encounter the stings and venomous stabs of public contumely wreaking itself in every variety of insult but there was a quality so much more terrible in the solemn mood of popular mind, that she longed rather to behold all those rigid countenances contorted with scornful merriment and herself the object”
                   This implies that Hester’s sin of bearing a child without the presence of a husband will always be remembered. Hester in this novel give the Feministic idea that how a woman are treated and faced the inferiority by the society. Hester voluntarily resumes the letter as a,
“Woman stained with sin, bowed down with shame”
Although, Hawthorne adds that,
“Not the sternest magistrate of that
Iron period would have imposed it”
                These two quotations tell about the situation of women in the society and also present the narrow mentality of the puritan society. It shows that how Hester suffers from the isolation and go through the pain of her own stain character.
                Hawthorne in this text presents the poor law of the puritan age and takes very powerful example as feministic reading of the novel. He also represents the cruel reality of the puritan laws through the character of Hester.
                In the commencement of the novel the character Hester has wear “A” as a Adulteress and she stands alone even no one with her to support only her daughter pearl. Who also suffers the pain and punishment. “A” letter is very symbolic which symbolizes the puritan society. During the first few years of Hester’s punishment, the letter was a daily reminder of shame. Hawthorne writes,

“……Hester Prynne had always this dreadful agony
In Feeling a human eye upon the token;
The spot never grew callous; it seemed,
On the contrary, to grow more sensitive with daily torture”
                 Hawthorne says that Hester who was always torture to wear “A” and it daily remind to shame. As the story unfolds, though this letter comes to mean other things to Hester and the people rather than bringing torture to Hester, it eventually becomes a symbol to some people meaning “Able” Hawthorne writes,

“They said that it meant ‘Able’; so strong was
Hester Prynne, with a woman’s strength”
“The Scarlet Letter had not done its office”
                  The Scarlet letter was meant as a punishment for Hester. It shows the strongness of the women to fight against the society and feminine power. Hawthorne writes,
“Thus, we seem to see that, as regarded
Hester Prynne, the whole seven years of outlaw and
ignoming had been little other than a
Preparation for this very hour”
                     Hester was “Able” to deal with a society that hated her, and then a town that accepted her for her good works. The society was able to look past their hatred for her and saw that in fact they needed her and finding Hester was able to stay, where she wanted to be.
                 Over the time the fact that Hester didn’t crumble and in fact stood taller despite her exclusion from the puritan society. Opened their eyes to see that good can survive even in the heart of a sinner. Thus her adulteress turn into her ability to survive and faced the society.
                Throughout the novel “The Scarlet Letter” there are various meanings to the scarlet letter. It means different things to different people,
“a sign of wealth to the butler, curiosity for pearl, guilt for Dimmesdale, rebelliousness, revenge or motivation for Chillingworth and betrayal of one’s spouse, to name a few.”
The true duty was to punish and teach a lesson.
                  In this novel “The Scarlet Letter” is only one of the symbols representing Hester’s Shame and Punishment. Another one we see early I the novel, at about the same time we see Hester wearing scarlet letter for the first time in public, is the Scaffold on which she stands after walking out of the prison. Hawthorne writes,
“It was, in short, the platform of the pillory;
And above it raised the framework of that instrument of discipline,
So fashioned as to confine the human head in its tight grasp,
And thus hold it up to the public gaze
The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and
Made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron.”
                The Scaffold, like the scarlet letter, to the puritans, it a place of public shame for those persons who decide to break the puritan law. It represents the sin of the person standing upon it and it shows the puritan way of dealing with sin.
               In the Scaffold scene where Dimmesdale stands with Hester and Pearl, a meteor traces out an “A” in the night sky. To Dimmesdale, the meteor implies that he should wear “A” mark of shame just as Hester does.
                 The meaning of meteor is “small body from outer space becoming incandescent when entering earth’s atmosphere in short bright star falling down to the earth” but Hawthorne has interpreted here differently by the rest of the community, which thinks that it stands for “Angel” and marks Governor Winthop’s entry into heaven.  But “Angel” is an awkward reading of the symbol of “A”.
               The puritan society commonly looked to symbols to confirm divine sentiments. In this novel narrative, however, symbols are taken to mean what the beholder wants to mean. The incident with the meteor obviously highlights and exemplifies two different uses of the symbols:

                  Throughout this novel Hawthorne has gave various symbols of “A” and also tells about the sign and the significance of the scarlet letter “A”. in this entire journey of the novel, the letter “A” characterized Hester’s immoral position and her strength to fight against the law system of puritan society.
Introduction of Pearl:

                  Pearl is illegimate daughter of Hester and Dimmesdale. Pearl serves as symbol of her mother’s shame and triumph. Hawthorne describes Pearl as “the scarlet letter endowed with life”. Pearl is the public consequence of Hester’s very private sin. The character of Pearl becomes Hester’s source of strength. Pearl defines Hester’s identity and purpose and gives Hester a companion to love.

Pearl living “A”:
Symbol of sin for Society

                   Pearl is also a symbol of the novel. Pearl who is illegimate daughter of Hester and Dimmesdale. Pearl is considered symbol of sin for the puritan society. Pearl who is also the victim of the society even though she has doing nothing wrong. Pearl also punishes from the society because she lost her identity.
                   Pearl makes constantly aware of her mother’s scarlet letter and of the society that produces it. When Hester removes the letter after seven years, Pearl  didn’t accepts her without it and forced her to wear it again after wearing “A” Hester said,

“Now thou art my mother indeed!
And I am thy little Pearl!”
                     The strict puritan society punishes Hester and banishes from community, thus simultaneously punishing Pearl and leading her into a confused childhood. Because of Pearl’s odd attribute and the fact that she had no father, the puritan community begun to wonder if Pearl was a, “witch-baby” fathered by the devil. Throughout the whole novel Pearl is referred to as,
“The scarlet letter endowed with life because she is Hester’s constant
reminder of her sin. Because of this, Hester’s view of Pearl is obstructed
by her own guilty conscience , and thus Hester’s own sin leads her to believe,
along with the puritan community, that Pearl might be a “witch-baby” when
reverend Wilson asks Pearl “canst thou tell me, my child, who made thee”
Pearl giving the answer and responds, out of defiance, that she was,
“Plucked by her mother off the
Bush of wild roses that grew by
The prison door”
                      While Pearl giving this answer Mr. Wilson thinks that Pearl does not believe in God and Pearl is the different child from the other children. Pearl has also is the vital character of novel who becomes the power of Hester and also give strength to fight against the puritan society.
                   In the puritan age it was believed that women who were pregnant with a male child had a rosy complexion and that women carrying a female child were pale. This matter is very much related with this novel where Pearl who is the daughter of Hester also suffers and punishes from the society.
Pearl living “A”:
Symbol of Love for Nature

                   The character of Pearl is also a symbol of love for Hester and Dimmesdale. Hester and Dimmesdale who are the lovers but Hester marries to Chillingworth and this marriage created problems in Hester’s life. In the novel Hawthorne tells us that Pearl is more than a link between Hester and Dimmesdale.
Pearl serves as a “messenger of anguish” Hester says, she is,
“The scarlet letter in another form;
The scarlet letter endowed with life!”
“The emblem of her guilt and torture”
                    On the other hand, Pearl serves as “the connecting link” and “an electric chain” between Hester and Dimmesdale. That means Pearl is the embodiment of her parents true love and passion. Because the love between Hester and Dimmesdale is the oneness of their being, Hawthorne can therefore prophesy their salvation trough his comment on Pearl:
“And Pearl was the oneness of their being be the fore gone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined, when they be held at once the material union, and the spiritual idea, in whom they met, and were to dwell immortally together?”
                    Another important aspect of Pearl’s preternatural character is her instinct for truth. Pearl’s unconscious awareness of a blood relationship with Dimmesdale and her recognition of Chillingworth as a “Black Man” are manifestations of a child’s semi-prophetic discernment. The innocent child could see through their dissimulation. Pearl’s insight into truth is the result of her enforced contact with nature which enables her to preserve her spotless soul from society’s deleterious conventions and lies.
Society v/s. Individual

                    In “The Scarlet letter” Hester struggles a lot conceal her feeling and pain. Hester who stands in centre and society stands in periphery.

                    Hester who struggled for her love and Pearl. In the novel from the beginning to end she fight against the society she has the same vision towards to see a situation till end but there is change of the society and the outer perspective.
                    After removing the scarlet letter “A” that she had not since been without for seven years. Hester now struggles with the question of how she will be able to keep this glorious feeling. In this struggle, puritan law has forced Hester to become a dull conformist, but her natural passion inevitably overtakes her and allows her to drop what she had thought to be repentance of sin.
                 This novel tells about Hester’s positivity and puritan society’s negativity to see a situation. Hester fights individually fight against the society.
                In this novel we finds that Hawthorne mostly talks about sin, punishment, pain and strict mentality of puritan society. And throughout the struggle of the Hester presents the bitter reality of the puritan age. Hawthorne also portrays the image of women in the society and how they treated and questioning the women’s identity.
                 Throughout the novel Hawthorne presents politics of “A” which is the politics of society which victimize the character of Hester to wearing scarlet letter “A”. This novel is one of the best example of the feministic study of the character of Hester. There are deep symbols of “A” in the novel.

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